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VACo ready to hit the road for Regional Meetings

Many of us will travel the state this summer to visit family and friends and explore new lands. From Accomack County to Lee County and Frederick County to Greensville County – Virginians will crisscross and zigzag interstates, state roads and back roads to experience our great Commonwealth.

Summer also brings travel here at VACo. Soon, we will visit members to hold Regional Meetings that bring county and state leaders together. The Regional Meetings season is important to VACo advocacy efforts. Discussions about issues and challenges help direct VACo staff as we shape and develop the legislative program for the next General Assembly Session.

In 2015, VACo held 7 Regional Meetings spanning 8 regions. In 2016, those numbers were 8 Regional Meetings covering 9 regions. Each meeting provided VACo staff with invaluable information as county leaders and legislators engaged in robust conversations about legislative concerns and challenges.

The Regional Meetings format is simple.

  • Introductions
  • Education | Speaker(s)
  • Conversations with Legislators
  • Round Table Discussion of Local Issues | Counties take turns discussing their issues

This year, we have scheduled 7 Regional Meetings spanning 10 regions. It’s shaping up to be our most ambitious season yet.

  • Regions 1 & 2 | TBA
  • Region 6 | TBA
  • Region 10 | TBA

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Regional Meeting. If you are interested in sponsoring a Regional Meeting, please use this link for more information.

VACo Contact: Dean Lynch, CAE

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