The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program with $5 billion in appropriated funds over 5 years. The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. As previously reported, funds for fiscal year 2023 are available for a wide variety of plans, initiatives, and projects with the end goal of preventing death and injuries associated with the various methods of transportation.
The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program recorded four webinars in April and May. The webinars focused on developing an Action Plan; supplemental planning and demonstration activities; Implementation Grants; and rural and Tribal applicants. Please visit the SS4A website to access the webinar recordings and presentations.
The SS4A program application for FY 23 is open through July 10, 2023 with over $1.1 billion in funding available. In FY22, USDOT awarded $800 million in over 500 communities through the first round of SS4A funding. Click here to view the grant opportunity page and please contact VACo staff for any help and/or information.
VACo Contact: James Hutzler