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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties


“Money Committees” Prepare for 2025 at Annual Retreats

The General Assembly’s “money committees” received generally positive reports about state revenues, tempered with uncertainty about broader economic factors, at their annual pre-session retreats in late November.  The House Appropriations and House Finance Committees met

Elections Roundup

HB 1149 (Cordoza) would have made a significant change to the process of removing an elected officer or officer who has been appointed to fill

Electric Vehicle Charging Bills Update

As previously reported, VACo supports HB 107 (Sullivan) as this bill would create the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund.  The Program and Fund would make

Update on Elections Bills

Voter satellitesSeveral bills dealing with the establishment of voter satellite offices are under consideration this session. Since the establishment of voter satellite offices is currently

media inquiries

VACo welcomes media inquiries. We have experts who know the issues well and can give stories perspective and color. Our experts are well-respected in the Commonwealth and have experience working with the media.

If you need more assistance or have a media inquiry, contact Communications Director Gage Harter at
