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Visit Madison County and the Limberlost Trail

Elevation: 3377 feet

The Limberlost Trail leads the visitor to high elevation wetlands along a walking trail. This 1.3-mile trail provides numerous opportunities for wildlife watching not the least of which is the almost fearless white-tailed deer grazing all around. The higher elevation of this area provides for exciting birding. Species such as Blackburnian, black-throated blue, hooded, and chestnut-sided warblers, veery, Acadian flycatcher and rose-breasted grosbeak all breed here. The dense stands of spruce provide perfect cover for retiring species such as Cooper’s hawk and barred owl, which on occasion dart from cover to pick off their prey from along the trail. Listen in spring when the woods resonate with the booming of ruffed grouse. Along the length of the trail there are several moist boggy areas that host numerous salamanders.

A map of this trail and the surrounding area can be found on the provided website.

SOURCE: Department of Game & Inland Fisheries

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