VACo Recognizes the Class of 2023 of the Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Program

RICHMOND (November 14, 2023)—The Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) recognized the Class of 2023 – the inaugural graduating class of the revamped Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Program – during VACo’s 89th Annual Conference.

The Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Program consists of three core courses – budgeting; planning, land use, and infrastructure; and leadership. The program provides fundamental skills training as well as deep dive examinations and discussions of real scenarios that impact counties. Supervisors enrich the educational experience by sharing their journeys – the challenges and successes as an elected official serving a rural, or urban, or suburban community.

The 8 graduates (group photo) of the 12-month certification program are:

  • Byron Adkins | Charles City County | Photo
  • Zeke Anderson | Grayson County | Photo
  • Victor Angry | Prince William County | Photo
  • Andrea Bailey | Prince William County | Photo
  • Llew Gilliam | Prince Edward County | Photo
  • Lori Hayes | Spotsylvania County | Photo
  • Harrison Jones | Prince Edward County | Photo
  • Mike Sheridan | Fluvanna County | Photo

“Congratulations to our first graduates of the new Supervisors’ Certification Program – the Class of 2023,” VACo Executive Director Dean Lynch said. “When we planned the revamped program, we knew we had to include the engagement of supervisors as much as possible. We were amazed by how much each student helped each other by sharing their experiences and offering possible solutions to real-time issues. Thank you, Class of 2023. You’ve paved the way for future classes.”

The program was enhanced by the stewardship of each course instructor.

  • Budgeting – Suzette Denslow
  • Planning, Land Use, and Infrastructure – Earl Anderson, AICP; Will Cockrell, AICP, Andrew Hopewell, AICP, CZA; Nick Rogers, AICP, CZA
  • Leadership – Jane Dittmar

Each course instructor led two in-person, all-day educational sessions as well as multiple virtual meetings. Students engaged with various leaders and experts in the three course areas.

“The instructors are owed a tremendous amount of gratitude for their work in leading each course,” Lynch said. “It’s not easy to balance the teaching of all the different components like fundamental skills training. Our instructors not only taught theory but also shared real skills, fundamental ways of tackling challenges, that the students can take back home and apply immediately to their role as supervisor.”

For more information about the Virginia Certified County Supervisors’ Program, contact Karie Walker at or 804.343.2504.

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