Proposed Changes to Smart Scale include limiting the number of applications

The Commonwealth Transportation Board is also considering changes that could take effect in “Round 3” of the “Smart Scale” Program during FY 2019. Following the first two rounds of the program, VDOT’s staff has been evaluating ways in which the program may be improved. Some components of the program were discussed with VACo’s Transportation Steering committee when it held a special meeting on June 15.

Smart Scale is lauded by supporters as a program that distributes transportation projects throughout the state on the basis of an objective scoring process. Due to limitations in transportation revenues, however, there was only about $1 billion available for projects approved under “Round 2” of Smart Scale for a total of about $9 billion worth of projects applied for by local governments in FY 2017.

VDOT staff is recommending the imposition of a limit on the number of projects for which a local government may apply in any given round. Specifically, a limit of 4 applications for localities with a population less than 500,000, and 8 applications for localities with a population more than 500,000. It is possible that CTB could adopt changes to the Smart Scale program at its October meeting. For more information see Staff recommendations for improving the process – Round 3, a presentation to the CTB at their July meeting. VACo will continue to monitor this situation.

VACo Contact: Larry Land, CAE

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