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FY 23 Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) Awards Announced

On May 11, Governor Youngkin announced more than $59.5 million in grants for FY 2023 through the Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) for 14 projects serving 20 localities throughout Virginia. The VATI program provides targeted funding to extend service to areas that are presently underserved by any broadband provider.


The goal of VATI is to create strong, competitive communities throughout the Commonwealth by preparing those communities to build, utilize, and capitalize on telecommunications infrastructure. This year’s funding leverages more than $118.6 million in local and private sector matching funds.

The Department of Housing and Community Development administers the VATI program, which provides targeted financial assistance to extend broadband service to areas that are currently unserved by a provider. Projects were selected through a competitive process that evaluated each project for demonstrated need and benefit for the community, applicant readiness and capacity, and the cost and leverage of the proposed project. The level of funding awarded is based on the infrastructure needs in the project area.

In this application year, VATI received 35 applications requesting more than $300 million in funding. Since 2017, Virginia has invested more than $798.7 million to connect over 358,000 homes, businesses and community anchors within 84 localities. Additional information on VATI is available here.

VACo Contact: Jeremy R. Bennett

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