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2019 VACo County Government Day In Partnership with VAPDC’s 50th Anniversary

January 31, 2019
Omni Richmond Hotel | 100 S 12th Street | Richmond, VA 23219
Omni Room Reservation Form

Join us at VACo County Government Day on Thursday, January 31! This is our day to advocate on behalf of Counties at the 2019 General Assembly Session.

The event kicks off with a box lunch at noon as Governor Ralph Northam takes the podium. We’re excited to learn more about how the Governor’s legislative agenda will strengthen Virginia’s communities. In addition, VACo staff will provide legislative reports on the major issues facing Counties in the 2019 General Assembly Session. Attendees will then meet with their General Assembly representatives.

930am          VACo Board of Directors’ Meeting

11am              Registration

Noon             Governor Ralph Northam | VACo Staff Reports

Afternoon   Visit Capitol and Lobby Legislators

Evening       Make plans to take your state legislators to dinner

For information on how to reach your representatives, see the Virginia House of Delegates and the Senate of Virginia member websites. Find information about VACo’s positions in the 2019 Legislative Program. We will distribute our VACo County Government Day Bulletin at the event.

We encourage all Counties to participate in the legislative process – listen to reports about the issues and speak with your representatives about your County’s concerns.

Register for the event at VACo County Government Day Online or fax the Registration Form to 804.788.0083.

VACo Contact: Angela Inglett


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