Unpaved Road Improvement Bill Amended in VACo’s Favor

SB 644 (Perry) would clarify that the upgrading of unpaved secondary roads includes improvements other than paving.  The bill states that the improvements that could be made to unpaved secondary roads include improving materials, drainage upgrades, enhancing the highway profile, as well as other improvements that would increase safety, reduce maintenance costs, or enhance the historic qualities of the road in question.

As introduced, the bill only afforded these improvements to unpaved roads to counties with a “capital projects manager.” VACo staff worked with Senator Perry and her staff to amend the bill with the result being that all 95 counties in Virgnia would be able to benefit from the clarifying language.  VACo thanks Senator Perry and her staff for listening to our concerns and offering the amendment.  SB 644 reported out of the Senate Transportation Committee, 15-0.  Delegate Reid is carrying the companion bill, and VACo has offered the same amendment to the Delegate and his staff.  VACo will continue to provide updates as they become available.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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