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Speed Camera Roundup

SB 336 (Roem) and HB 521 (Laufer) focus on the ability for localities to expand the use of photo speed monitoring within their jurisdiction but take different approaches in enabling the use of this public safety tool.  As previously reported, SB 336 would permit a state or local law enforcement agency to place and operate a photo speed monitoring device at a “high-risk intersection,” as defined in the bill, located within the locality. Before operation of the photo speed camera, the state or local law enforcement agency must certify that a traffic fatality occurred in the “high risk intersection” since January 1, 2014.

HB 521 would allow any locality to authorize, by ordinance, its local law enforcement agency to place and operate photo speed monitoring devices on “locality-designated highway segments.”  The bill defines a “locality-designated highway segment,” as any highway or portion thereof designated in a local ordinance where photo speed monitoring devices may be placed and operated.

SB 336 and HB 521 would meet different fates as they made their way through the respective chambers.

VACo is pleased to report that SB 336 reported out of the Senate favorable by a vote of 22-18.  SB 336 will appear in the House post crossover, and VACo is excited to testify in support of the bill. Unfortunately, while VACo testified in support of HB 521 during its subcommittee hearing, the bill was incorporated into similar legislation and subsequently carried over to the 2025 Session.

While SB 336 is not the only bill alive regarding photo speed monitoring devices, VACo believes it is the best available approach towards affording localities the ability to expand the use of these public safety tools. VACo supports SB 336 as the legislation is well tailored to localities and increases the ability for local governments to respond to constituent concerns regarding safety on local roadways.  VACo thanks Delegate Laufer for bringing HB 521 forward, and we look forward to reviewing the bill as it is heard during the 2025 Session.  VACo thanks Senator Roem for sponsoring SB 336 and championing the issue.  Crossover is set for February 14, and VACo will continue to provide updates surrounding SB 336 as they become available.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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