Senate Committee delays vote on bill to require written notice to adjoining property owners of zoning decisions

The Senate Local Government Committee postponed for a week a vote on SB 589 (Hanger), which requires zoning administrators to provide notice of all decisions and determinations to property owners adjacent to or across the road from the subject property. Specifically, the legislation requires such notice to be “… delivered by first-class mail to the agent or occupants of abutting property and property immediately across the street or road from the property affected.”

Concerns were raised about the larger number of written decisions and determinations that a single zoning administrator may make annually when responding for requests to do so and the burden that would create to comply with the legislation should it become law. The patron of the bill agreed to work on limiting the scope of the number of such determinations that trigger the notice requirement and agreed to bring the bill before the committee on Monday, January 20 for reconsideration.

If you have any thoughts or input to offer on this measure, please contact VACo staff.

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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