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Renewable Energy Pilot Program for Schools Heads to Senate Floor

HB 1451 (Sullivan), which directs Dominion Virginia Energy to conduct a renewable energy pilot program at a public school, has reported out of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and now will be heard by the full senate.

The bill establishes that under the pilot program, a public school that generates more electricity from a wind-powered or solar-powered generation facility than it consumes may either credit the excess electricity to one or more other schools in the school division or be paid for the excess electricity at the corresponding retail rate.  The State Corporation Commission is directed to adopt by December 1, 2018, any rules and guidelines that may be necessary for the administration of such a pilot program.  The pilot program shall not last more than six years.

HB 1451 previously reported (with a substitute) out of the House Commerce and Labor Committee 20-0 and passed the full House 100-0. On February 26, the bill reported out of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee unanimously and will be introduced on the Senate floor later this week.

VACo supports this bill and looks forward to its eventual passage.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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