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Plug Pulled on the Rural Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund

VACo spoke in support of SB 1466 (Marsden) and HB 1588 (Sullivan), which would create the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund.  This Fund would make available up to $25 million each fiscal year and assist developers by offsetting up to 70 percent of the cost of electric vehicle charging stations.  According to the provisions outlined in the bills, smaller and more rural Virginia localities would benefit from the passage of these bills, which met separate fates as crossover approached.

HB 1588, as previously reported, died early in the Committee process before crossover while its companion passed the Senate and was taken up in the House.  SB 1466 reported favorably in the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee and was subsequently referred to House Appropriations Committee. The bill was left in this Committee and with no more Committee meetings scheduled, the bill is effectively dead.  The concept could still be under consideration in budget discussions, as the Senate budget included funding associated with the creation of the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund.

VACo for the first time added a position to its legislative platform supporting funding that provides for the availability and installation of electric vehicle charging stations.   VACo staff was excited to stand in support of SB 1466 and HB 1588 and wants to thank the patrons for introducing the legislation.  We will continue to report on this as updates become available.

VACo Contact: James Hutzler

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