Oppose Heavier Trucks in Virginia – Committee Votes Scheduled for Early this Week

SB 504 (Carrico) and HB 1276 (Garrett) authorize the Commissioner of Highways, with the approval of the Governor, to allow for heavier, six-axle tractor trucks to travel Virginia roads as part of any federal pilot program, for a period of up to 15 years.

Action Required – Please contact your legislators now to OPPOSE SB 504 and HB 1276. SB 504 was heard in Senate Transportation Committee on January 31 and carried over for the week after initially failing to report out of committee. The bill is expected to be voted on again in the Senate Transportation Committee on Wednesday, February 7. HB 1276 was reported out of subcommittee by a 4-2 vote on February 1 and will be before the House Transportation Committee on the morning of Tuesday, February 6.


  • Counties, in partnership with VDOT, make significant investments in road construction and maintenance. Such investments need to be properly safeguarded from any undue acceleration in wear and tear.
  • Increases in truck weight beyond current federal standards, even of limited duration, will put highways, roads, and bridges at increased risk of damage and deterioration.


Senate Transportation Committee: Carrico (Chairman), Newman, Deeds, Marsden, Favola, Cosgrove, Edwards, Wexton, DeSteph, Chase, Suetterlein, McClellan, Peake

House Transportation Committee: Yancey (Chairman), Hugo (Vice Chair), Garrett, Davis, LaRock, Pillion, Adams, L.R., Collins, Bloxom, Miyares, Thomas, Rush, Ward, McQuinn, Carr, Filler-Corn, Plum, Bagby, Murphy, Jones, J.C., Delaney, Reid

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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