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Legislation introduced permitting gun-free zones on school board property

Delegate Suhas Subramanyam has introduced legislation that would permit the establishment of gun-free zones on school board property.

HB 1909 (Subramanyam) would allow any school board to deem any property that it owns or leases outside of school zones as a gun-free zone and may prohibit any individual from knowingly possessing any firearm while such individual is upon such property.  Current law permits the establishment of gun-free zones on school property, and this legislation extends this authority to property owned or leased by a school board but not actually in a school zone, such as school board offices.

Delegate Alfonso Lopez and Delegate Ibraheem Samirah and Senator John Bell and Senator Barbara Favola have joined Delegate Subramanyam as co-patrons of this legislation.  HB 1909 has been referred to the Firearms Subcommittee of the House Public Safety Committee.

VACo contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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