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Hydraulic Fracturing: Bills protecting chemical trade secrets will be heard tomorrow


HB 1389 (Robinson) and SB 706 (Chafin) are companion bills that amend the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by excluding as trade secrets the types of chemicals that may be used in the process of hydraulic fracturing (or fracking). HB 1389 was introduced by unanimous consent on January 28. The introduction date for SB 706 was January 21.

Both bills appear to be on a fast track. On January 28, HB 1389 was favorably recommended on a 4-2 vote by House General Laws Subcommittee #2. The bill is scheduled for consideration by the full House General Laws Committee tomorrow afternoon (one half hour after adjournment of the floor session) in House Room C of the General Assembly Building.

SB 706 is also scheduled to be heard tomorrow afternoon by Subcommittee #2 of the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee in third floor east conference room of the General Assembly Building. The Senate subcommittee is scheduled to meet one half hour after the Senate floor session.

VACo Contact: Larry Land, CAE

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