Helpful Bill Regarding Ballot Question for Bond and Meals Tax Referenda Reported from Committee

HB 1390 (Aird) applies to an instance in which a county seeks to pay for debt-funded projects with revenues derived from a meals tax.  It permits the county to put before the voters a consolidated question on the implementation of the meals tax and the issuance of debt to be supported with meals tax revenues, rather than asking two separate questions, as is currently set out in Code.  This change would avoid a situation in which voters approve debt, but not the revenues to be used to support the debt, as has happened several times in the recent past.  The bill was reported from subcommittee on a 5-2 vote and from the House Privileges and Elections Committee on February 9, on a vote of 15-7.  The bill now heads to the House floor.

VACo Contact: Katie Boyle

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