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Electric Vehicle Charging Bill Reports to Senate

Delegate David Bulova’s fee-based electric vehicle charging bill successfully reported out of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on February 26 and will now be taken up by the full Senate.

HB 922 (Bulova) and its Senate companion bill, SB 908 (McClellan), enable localities, public institutions of higher education, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to install fee-based charging stations on any property they own or lease. Additionally, these bills exempt these entities from being considered a “public utility” solely because of the sale of electric vehicle charging service or the ownership or operation of an electric vehicle charging station and exempts such service from constituting the retail sale of electricity.  Finally, the bills allow localities, at their discretion, to restrict the use of these charging stations to local government employees and/or authorized visitors.

VACo has been pleased to support and work with Delegate Bulova and Senator Jennifer McClellan throughout session on this important legislation. HB 922 previously passed the House 100-0 and was reported to the Senate by a vote of 14-0.  Senator McClellan’s companion bill has already passed both chambers unanimously.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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