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Bills threatening sovereign immunity for localities defeated

Three bills seeking waivers of sovereign immunity for localities have been defeated for the year.

HB 162 (McGuire), HB 1382 (Campbell), and SB 1009 (Chase) sought to waive sovereign immunity for any locality that adopts an ordinance or policy pertaining to limitations on firearms.  Both HB 162 and HB 1382 were heard by the Firearms Subcommittee of the House Public Safety Committee, where they were each laid on the table by a 6-2 vote.  SB 1009 was heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee, where it was passed by indefinitely by a 9-5 vote.

VACo opposed these bills as it opposes any bills seeking to limit or waive sovereign immunity for local governments.

VACo Contact: Chris McDonald, Esq.

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