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Bill to Make Short-Term Rentals a By-Right Use Passes in Committee

SB 544 (Bagby), as amended in committee, prohibits a locality from adopting a local ordinance that requires a special exception, special use, or conditional use permit be obtained for the use of a residential dwelling as a short-term rental where the dwelling unit is also legally occupied by the property owner as his or her primary residence. SB 544 passed in the Senate Local Government Committee by a vote of 11-4 and will be considered on the Senate floor later this week. VACo opposes SB 544.

Action Required – Contact members of the Senate to vote “NO” on SB 544.


  • Local governments have the authority to regulate and address any potential impacts from the operation of short-term rentals within their community.
  • Mandated changes to this authority that make short-term rentals a “by right” use erodes the ability of local elected officials to address impacts from their operation.

VACo Contact: Joe Lerch, AICP

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