2015 General Assembly set to convene; look for Capitol Contact on Tuesdays and Thursdays


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 General Assembly set to convene; look for Capitol Contact on Tuesdays and Thursdays

The 2015 General Assembly session will span from January 14 to February 28, and legislators will deliberate on many issues critical to local government, including tax, state budget, education funding, pension funding and other public policy matters.

VACo will continually provide updates during the session through Capitol Contact and its General Assembly mobile website. To ensure that you are receiving Capitol Contact, please send Gage Harter your best e-mail address.

Capitol Contact is published every Tuesday and Thursday starting in January. In addition, VACo will e-mail and text county officials Capitol Contact Alerts and talking points on many issues before they are heard by select committees.

Please check VACo’s website and mobile site often to get the latest information and bill updates. Also, be on the lookout for periodic VACo staff videos on issues that affect counties. VACo will continue to release its newsletter, County Connections, around the first and 15th of each month.

To use the VACo mobile website, open your mobile browser and visit https://vaco.org/generalassemblymobile.html.

Key General Assembly Dates

January 14 – General Assembly convenes

January 16 – Last day to submit Budget Amendments

January 23 – Last day for bill introduction

February 5 – County Government Day at General Assembly

February 10 – Crossover day

February 28 – Adjourn Sine Die

April 15 – Reconvened (Veto) Session

VACo Contacts: Jim Campbell, CAE; Dean Lynch, CAE; Larry Land, CAE; Phyllis Errico, CAE; Beau Blevins; Erik Johnston.


Capitol Contact Video: Speaker of the House Bill Howell


Click here to watch Episode 1.

House Speaker William Howell sits down with VACo Deputy Executive Director Dean Lynch to discuss ethics, economic development, tax reform and even the adoption of a state song.

VACo Contact: Dean Lynch


Register for the 2015 County Government Day at the General Assembly on February 5

Thursday, February 5
Registration Form
Register Online
Richmond Marriott Downtown

The Virginia Association of Counties invites county officials to VACo County Government Day at the General Assembly on February 5 at the Richmond Marriott.

VACo staff will report on legislation affecting local governments, then county officials are encouraged to go to the Capitol to participate in committee meetings and advocate state legislators. In the evening, county officials are strongly encouraged to invite their state legislators to dinner.

Preliminary Agenda

9 a.m. – VACo Board of Directors’ meeting

11 a.m. – Registration

Noon – Keynote Speaker | VACo staff legislative briefings (box lunch provided)

Afternoon – Visit Capitol and advocate legislators

Evening – Make plans to take your state legislators to dinner

Also please plan on joining VACo members at the Rural Caucus Reception and Dinner on February 4.

Rural Caucus Reception and Dinner
February 4
Registration Form
Register Online
Richmond Marriott Downtown

VACo Contact: Carol Cameron


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