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The Voice of the

Commonwealth's Counties

Agriculture and Rural Affairs

VACo Contact: James Hutzler (804.343.2503)

REGION  MEMBER                COUNTY            TITLE
2       Ashley Chriscoe(VC)   Gloucester        Supervisor
4       Tracy Gee             Lunenburg         County Administrator
4       Taylor Harvie         Amelia            County Administrator
4       Dexter Jones          Amelia            Supervisor
5       Jim Andrews           Albemarle         Supervisor
5       Ann Mallek            Albemarle         Supervisor
5       Ernie Reed            Nelson            Supervisor
6       Bev McKay             Clarke            Supervisor
6       John Jewell           Frederick         Supervisor
6       Isaac Smelser         Page              Supervisor
6       Robert Wells          Frederick         Supervisor
7       Debbie Donehey        Rappahannock      Supervisor
7       Jeff Stonehill        King George       Supervisor
8       Tom Gordy             Prince William    Supervisor
9       Matt Garten           Alleghany         Supervisor
9       Dewey Ritchie         Rockingham        Supervisor
9       Michael Shull         Augusta           Supervisor
9       Sallie Wolfe-Garrison(C) Rockingham     Supervisor
10      Jerry Boothe          Floyd             Supervisor
10      Michael Carter        Franklin          Supervisor
10      Joe Turman            Floyd             Supervisor
10      Clifton Tweedy        Campbell          Deputy County Administrator
12      Mitchell Cornett      Grayson          Supervisor
13      Rusty Peters          Wise              Supervisor