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The Virginia Legislature enacted HB 1442 (Jones) during the 2020 General Assembly, authorizing state and local law-enforcement agencies to operate photo speed monitoring devices in or around school crossing zones and highway work zones, which are often dangerous areas for both pedestrians and drivers.

VACo has joined with Conduent, a new Premier Partner. Conduent is a Fortune 1,000, Virginia based company with over 20 years of experience in photo speed and red-light monitoring services and devices, who stands ready to assist Virginia counties with customized systems to implement their public safety programs.

VACo and Conduent recently recorded a webinar detailing how the photo speed and red-light monitoring services and devices work. Please click here to view the recording.

Conduent has two automated photo speed monitoring systems:

  • Outfitted in or on vehicles that can be driven to where they are most needed, in portable camera units (“PCUs” or Box Cams) that are moved by Conduent field service technicians at the county’s direction to enforcement locations
  • Or outfitted on fixed poles, which are permanent, stationary county locations where constant enforcement is necessary

Conduent also has a leading, comprehensive back-office capability, which provides violation processing using their easy-to-use robust platform called Citeweb™.

Conduent’s Citeweb™ platform includes:

  • Multiple levels of violation processing reviewed for increased accuracy
  • Customer service
  • Adjudication and court support
  • Payment processing
  • Citation and correspondence printing and mailing

Conduent also provides other platforms to localities to implement electronic tolling, parking and curbside management systems.

For more information, please contact Dan Seid, or 202.345.7131.